Wednesday, July 31, 2019

History of Mexican Revolution Essay

The novel transports readers to a ghost town on the desert plains in Mexico, and there it weaves together tales of passion, loss, and revenge. The village of Comala is populated by the wandering souls of former inhabitants, individuals not yet pure enough to enter heaven. Like the character Juan Preciado, who travels to Comala and suddenly finds himself confused, as readers we are not sure about what we see, hear, or understand. But the novel is enigmatic for other reasons. Since publication in 1955, the novel has come to define a style of writing in Mexico. Sparse language, echoes of orality, details heavy with meaning, and a fragmentary structure transformed the literary representation of rural life; instead of the social realism that had dominated in earlier decades, Rulfo created a quintessentially Mexican, modernist gothic.. The haunting effect of Pedro Paramo derives from the fitful story of Mexican modernity, a story that the novel tells in a way that more â€Å"objective† historical and sociological analyses cannot. As an aesthetic expression characterized by imaginative understanding, the novel explores Mexican social history of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The decadent remnants of a quasi-feudal social order, violent revolutions, and a dramatic exodus from the countryside to the city all gave rise to ghost towns across Mexico. Pedro Paramo tells the stories of three main characters: Juan Preciado, Pedro Paramo, and Susana San Juan. From the point of view of Juan Preciado, the novel is the story of a son’s search for identity and retribution. Juan’s mother, Dolores Preciado, was Pedro Paramo’s wife. Although he does not bear his father’s name, Juan is Pedro’s only legitimate son. Juan has returned to Comala to claim â€Å"[j]ust what’s ours,† as he had earlier promised his dying mother. Juan Preciado guides readers into the ghost story as he encounters the lost souls of Comala, sees apparitions, hears voices, and eventually suspects that he too is dead. We see through Juan’s eyes and hear with his ears the voices of those buried in the cemetery, a reading experience that evokes the poetic obituaries of Edgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River Anthology (1915). Along with Juan Preciado, readers piece together these fragments of lives to construct an image of Comala and its demise. Interspersed among the fragments recounting Juan’s story are flashbacks to the biography of Pedro Paramo. Pedro is the son of landowners who have seen better days. He also loves a young girl, Susana San Juan, with a desire that consumes his life into adulthood. â€Å"I came to Comala because I had been told that my father, a man named Pedro Paramo, lived there. † —page 3 Although the story line in these biographical fragments follows a generally chronological order, the duration of time is strangely distorted; brief textual passages that may read like conversational exchanges sometimes condense large historical periods. Moreover, the third-person narrative voice oscillates between two discursive registers. On the one hand, poetic passages of interior monologue capture Pedro’s love for Susana and his sensuality; on the other, more exterior descriptions and dialogues represent a domineering rancher determined to amass wealth and possessions. Within this alternation between the first- and third-person narrative voices, readers must listen for another voice and reconstruct a third story, that of Susana San Juan. We overhear bits of her tale through the ears of Juan Preciado, listening with him to the complaints that Susana—in her restless death—gives forth in the cemetery of Comala. â€Å"I was thinking of you, Susana. Of the green hills. Of when we used to fly kits in the windy season. We could hear the sounds of life from the town below; we were high above on the hill, playing out string to the wind. ‘Help me Susana. ‘ And soft hands would tighten on mine. ‘Let out more string. ‘† —page 12 Poetic sections evoke her passion for another man, Florencio, and Pedro never becomes the object of Susana’s affection. Juan Preciado, Pedro Paramo, and Susana San Juan are all haunted by ghosts; in turn, they become ghosts who haunt the realities of others. â€Å"They say that when people from there die and go to hell, they come back for a blanket. † —page 6 Although as readers we have the sense of lives once lived by these characters, they emerge for us as phantasms, as partially known presences who are not immediately intelligible and who linger with inexplicable tenacity. Reading Pedro Paramo creates a transformative recognition of Mexico’s move toward modernity in the early twentieth century; more than the objective lessons learned from social and cultural history, as a novel, Pedro Paramo produces a structure of feeling for readers that immerses us through the experience of haunting. As ghosts, Pedro, Susana, and Juan point outward to the social context of Mexico in the difficult movement toward modernization, toward social arrangements that never completely die as a newer social order is established. Pedro’s accumulation of land as a rancher harks back to the trends of capital accumulation during the benign dictatorship of President Porfirio Diaz (1876-1911). The Porfiriato strove to modernize the nation through the development of infrastructure and investment; it allowed for anomalies such as the creation of the Media Luna ranch and strong local power brokers such as Pedro Paramo who shared the interests of the elite and helped maintain a thinly veiled feudal social order. Within this context, Susana San Juan and other individuals murmur their complaints in ghostly whispers. Indeed, at one point, Rulfo planned to call the novel Los murmullos—the murmurs. Speaking in the streets of Comala, overheard in dreams, and groaning in the cemetery, these spectral murmurs bespeak a reality hidden beneath the facade of Porfirian progress. The Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920 gave expression to repressed peasants—the campesinos of rural Mexico—and put an end to the Porfiriato. Susana San Juan, in turn, reveals the repressed role of women in a patriarchal order. In this world women are chattel and ranch-owners can forcibly populate the countryside with bastard children by asserting feudal rights to the bodies of peasant women living on their lands. Peasant revolutionaries and Susana San Juan as well are all manipulated by Pedro Paramo. He can force events to keep them all in the places where he would have them, but he cannot control their desires and their pleasures. The peasants celebrate festivals, and after the revolution they eventually rebel again by participating in the Cristero Revolt of 1926-1929. Susana suffers guilt and remembers pleasure in evocative passages that underscore her erotic ties to Florencio, a man unknown to others in the novel, perhaps a dead soldier from the revolution, the man Pedro would have had to be in order to have Susana’s love. â€Å"The sky was crowded with fat, swollen stars. The moon had come out for a little while and then vanished. It was one of those sad moons that nobody looks at or even notices. It hung there for a little while, pale and disfigured, and then hid itself behind the mountains. † -Juan Rulfo References Carol Clark D’Lugo, The Fragmented Novel in Mexico: The Politics of Form (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1997), 70-81. Patrick Dove, â€Å"‘Exigele lo nuestro’: Deconstruction, Restitution and the Demand of Speech in Pedro Paramo,† Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 10. 1 (2001): 25-44,

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness In the book, â€Å"You Learn by Living,† Eleanor Roosevelt notes: â€Å"Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product†(Roosevelt 95). When one’s specific desire is fulfilled, feelings of happiness flourish. Therefore, happiness is the ultimate goal in life for many people in today’s society because their life revolves around desire. That said, everyone’s interpretation of happiness varies. Some may believe wealth and power will bring them happiness, while others might argue that beauty and popularity will keep them happy.Whatever the recipe of happiness may be, the product is universal—they all generate feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Temporary pleasure and satisfaction, that is. What if the word â€Å"eternal† was inserted into the definition of happiness to say that it was a state of eternal well-being and contentment? How would one sought to pursue this form of happiness? At the start of Book One of The Consolation of Philosophy, Ancius Boethius, a learned official of the Roman Empire who awaits execution for unjust accusations, desolately rests in his jail cell, writing poetry and contemplating on life with the Muses of Poetry.He is soon interrupted by Philosophy, who appears to him in the form of a lovely woman that is â€Å"full of years, yet possesses a vivid color and undiminished vigor† (Boethius 2). As a physician treating a patient would, Lady Philosophy diagnoses Boethius with a serious illness, which she says she is here to cure, unlike the Muses she calls â€Å"hysterical sluts†(Boethius 2) who is only here to take Reason away from him. When asked to â€Å"discover his wounds†, Boethius begins to moan about the loss of good fortune: his wealth, his power, his friends, and even contact with his family.He goes on to complain that he is suffering unjustly in a state of complete innocence, blaming Fortune for taking away these goods. As for Lady Philoso phy, whether or not Boethius is a â€Å"victim of Fortune† (Boethius 4), as he calls himself, is simply not important. The fact that Boethius has fallen under Fortune's spell, and forgotten three important things: his true nature, the end and purpose of things, and the means by which the world is governed (Boethius, 10), seem to be the bigger issue since they are the main causes of his illness.Throughout all five books of The Consolations of Philosophy, in her intent to cure Boethius’ disease, Lady Philosophy corrects Boethius of the errors that caused his illness–the main error being his misconception of how happiness can be achieved. When told of Boethius’ sudden reversal of fortune, rather than feeling pity and empathy, Lady Philosophy scolds Boethius for mourning over tangible and earthly things like fame, wealth, and power. These â€Å"goods†, or rather â€Å"false goods† can deceive to bring happiness, but it fails to satisfy the true, eternal soul.Wealth and power were merely gifts from Fortune that temporarily visited him by the wheel of Fortune. Moreover, Lady Philosophy is able to prove that they are in fact false goods because they were taken away from Boethius; they did not belong to Boethius. Lady Philosophy tells Boethius, â€Å"Be not overcome by your misfortunes, for the gifts of fortune are fleeting and happiness is not to be found in temporal goods†(Boethius 21). The things that are thought to make us happy, wealth, honor, and power, have no actual value or power and therefore cannot truly make someone a happy person.Lady Philosophy further explains how these false goods only evoke feelings of negativity. Wealth only leads oneself to greed and further protection of himself, honor creates jealousy, and power is meaningless because it does not last. Lady Philosophy explains: â€Å"Why, the prefecture, which was once a great power, is now but an empty name†(Boethius 23). These lesser goods, which hold less power than mankind, cannot drive one to live a happy life; only a greater good that is more powerful than man possesses that power. This leads to the next question: How is true happiness achieved?In Book Two of The Consolation of Philosophy, Lady Philosophy thoroughly explains true happiness: â€Å"If I ask you whether there is anything more precious to you than your own self, you will say no. So if you are in possession of yourself you will possess something you would never wish to lose and something Fortune could never take away†(Boethius 23). She says that happiness can't consist in things governed by chance because true happiness cannot be taken away. She goes on to explain that nothing on earth can bring true happiness—not one that is eternal.The common belief of all mankind agrees that God, the supreme of the Heavens and the Earth is the highest good. True happiness comes from the desire for the perfect itself and the perfect Good—God. The refore, one can only attain true happiness through the pursuit of God through intellectual and spiritual means. On page 23 of Book Three, Lady Philosophy says: â€Å"Only by being like God, who is the highest good, can lasting happiness come to man. † Everyone desires happiness, and happiness is identical with the good, therefore God and true happiness is of neness. She also says that the good gain their reward automatically, since by being good, they attain the good, which is happiness. Furthermore, only our spirit and intellect can lead us to the true good—the true happiness of the soul, God. As a strong believer, and child of God, it is only sensible that I agree with Lady Philosophy on her reasoning that only one higher power offers true happiness. The all-powerful Creator of humankind motivates man to live a good, virtuous life under Him, which, according to Lady Philosophy defines true happiness.Seeking God, in many ways, is parallel to seeking true happiness. Th e bible, which quotes the words of God, in many cases, teaches the man in God to strive for the higher goods that make up true happiness and, to keep away from what are the evils of false happiness in not only religious terms, but also philosophical terms. In Psalms 37:4 of the New International Bible, it says â€Å"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. † The desires that the bible verse refers to are not casual wants that nature longs for, but innermost desires that satisfy the inner soul—the true goods.The bible disfavors certain desires, in which Lady Philosophy would consider â€Å"false goods† and the Bible refers to â€Å"lusts. † These desires are often described as cravings that long to satisfy physical appetite, like food, alcohol, sex, money, and pleasure. Once man rids himself of desire, he begins to be carefree, letting the mind be emotionally free, free of worry, confident, and at inner peace, reaching a state of happiness under God. Lastly, God rules the universe for the highest good, so man works to move toward that good according to their own will to be obedient towards the highest good, God.As I have begun to discuss above, I strongly believe that living a life for a higher power, rather than oneself, creates an optimistic state of mind, resulting in a more satisfied, happier person. Research shows that that religious people are happier and less stressed. Once one understands that the world is not governed by Fortune, but by a reasonable Creator, unhappiness becomes absent because he is agreeing to Divine Providence. Giving reason to everything that happens makes life less distressful.Rather than staying in a state of despair, only a person in God understands that suffering leads to the sanity of reason and therefore, with suffering, happiness will be awarded at the end. It can also be said that the person in God is not only happy, but also virtuous because being â€Å"goodâ⠂¬  consists of being virtuous. In relation to what Lady Philosophy defines as false happiness in The Consolation of Philosophy, someone who seems to have everything that most people desire, often times, suffers from severe depression. Marilyn Monroe is a great example.She had everything that many seem to think brings happiness—beauty, wealth, fame, sex appeal, and popularity—but she ended her life in suicide. It can be further argued that happiness consisting of anything other than the one God, cannot be everlasting. While these so-called â€Å"false goods† temporally satisfies one’s self, the one real true good, the Creator, provides consolation that is eternal. In comparison to lesser goods, faith is a consistent element of happiness and good health. In explaining happiness to Boethius, Lady Philosophy says, â€Å"Why, then, O mortal men, do you seek that happiness outside, which lies within yourselves? True happiness cannot be found through the sens es. Happiness comes from within one’s soul. It is not external. It is a by-product of an inner condition. It is not simply a temporary indulgence of pleasure. If one lives only for personal happiness, he will probably never find it. As American social writer and philosopher, Eric Hoffer said, â€Å"The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness. † Getting rid of the longing for false goods, or evil desires, is the first step of achieving true happiness—one that will last forever!

Report: High School and Attendance Essay

Introduction Like other schools around the nation, Beech Grove Intermediate School is experiencing a serious problem with attendance. This has been cited as a problem and something that needs to be addressed so that Beech Grove Intermediate can achieve the attendance rate they need to become a Four-Star status school. Currently, the attendance at Beech Grove Intermediate is averaging around 95 percent. The rate needs to increase to 97 percent for the school to achieve Four-Star status. Beech Grove Intermediate does have an attendance policy; however, other strategies could be implemented to increase the attendance. Attendance is an important part of children’s and parents’ everyday responsibilities, and poor attendance habits cause lifelong consequences. Many schools around the nation report low attendance and high tardiness rates. This problem needs to be addressed in order to help our children do well in school and become responsible adults. Children who are habitually late or chronically absent miss out on much that is learned in school. Even being 5 to 10 minutes late each day creates a situation where children can lose a considerable amount of time that is being spent on their schooling. Also, it is known that children with poor attendance rates in elementary and high school continue to show problems of tardiness and even proficiency later in life once they go to college or pursue a career. Changes in the attendance program at Beech Grove are needed, and the following report is intended to propose tactics for increasing the attendance rate at Beech Grove Intermediate School. Methodology For this report we surveyed teachers from six local elementary and secondary schools to get an idea of what other schools were doing to increase their attendance. We received 50 completed questionnaires. We also searched scholarly databases such as ERIC to find relevant articles on the problem of increasing attendance. These articles outline several solutions to increasing attendance in schools. Review of the Literature This review of recently published literature on attendance addresses causes, effective policies, parental contact, community involvement, teacher/student relationships, and rewards and incentives to increase student attendance. Causes of Absenteeism. All the literature agrees that absenteeism is an all too common problem for schools around the country. This can be traced to a range of causes from unsupportive school environment to poor health of the student. According to John Doughtery (1999), home dynamics play a key role in absenteeism. The parents are the key to how often a child attends class (Doughtery, 1999, p. 10). Janet Ford and Richard Sutphen (1996) agree with this and list parent influence on absenteeism as number two on their list for reasons for absence. They go on to state that lack of caring by the parents, or parents who are not home to see the child off to school are major reasons for students not to go to class, especially with younger students (Ford & Sutphen, 1996, p. 96). Other than home life, illness of the child is also given as a common reason for absenteeism in the literature. Also, appointments and vacations are listed as top reasons in the literature as well. Doughtery attests to this in saying, â€Å"It is now common practice for students to miss school for general appointments to avoid tests and assignments† (1999, p.10). Two authors noted that homeless students or students who live in a family that move very frequently are more likely to be chronically absent from school (Epstien, Sheldon, 2002, p. 311). Some of the authors also agree that if a student is not succeeding in school then they are less likely to want to come to school. This also goes along with schools that do not give praise to students or interact with the students so that no one feels left out, and help to see that everyone succeeds (Doughtery, 1999, p. 10). In short, all of the authors agree that parental involvement and student-teacher interaction is very important in keeping absenteeism down. Effective Policies and Parental Contact As schools seek new programs and ideas for increasing student attendance, one of the two most frequently mentioned tactics in the literature are having an effective attendance policy and increasing communication with parents and guardians. According to Dan Vandivier (2003), a high school principal, attendance policies must be stringent and must also be persistently adhered to. He states that policies must be fair and also have â€Å"flexibility to accommodate mitigating circumstances† (Vandivier, 2003, p. 81). Vandivier’s new attendance policy no longer distinguished between excused and unexcused and allowed administration discretion in dealing with excessive absences for legitimate reasons (Vandivier, 2003, p. 81). Dougherty (1999) agrees that schools must produce a clear fair attendance policy that is up to date and standardized and communicate it. Many studies have also shown a correlation between increased parental contact and increased attendance (Smerka, 1993; Epstein & Sheldon, 2002). Smerka (1993) noted that after mailing notices to all parents informing them of the success of the attendance program and asking for their support, the perfect attendance rate increased to 13. 9 percent (p. 96. ) He claimed that the key to good attendance is promoting it everywhere to everyone (Smerka, 1993, p. 96). Another study also found that â€Å"the degree to which schools overcame the challenge of communicating effectively with families was related to gains in student attendance and declines in chronic absenteeism† (Epstein & Sheldon, 2002, p. 315). The study noted that providing families with someone to talk to at the school about attendance or other issues was effective in increasing attendance (Epstein & Sheldon, 2002, p. 315). In addition to simply having contact with parents, many authors agree that it is the responsibility of the parents to monitor their student’s absenteeism (Dougherty, 1999; Ford & Sutphen,1996; Kube & Radgan,1992). Dougherty (1999) says that parents â€Å"must be responsible for their child’s daily attendance and promptly inform the school attendance office when the student is absent† (p.11). One study shows that increasing communication with parents and involving them in the student’s education are strategies for increasing attendance. This study also cited the use of a letter to parents informing them of the policy and encouraging them to discuss the importance of good attendance with their children (Ford & Sutphen, 1996, p. 96). Another study also said that parents â€Å"must be responsible for the student’s daily attendance† and they must â€Å"stress the importance of daily attendance to their children† (Kube & Radgan, 1992). Creating effective attendance policies that are reviewed and renewed regularly and establishing parental contact are very important stepping stones for increasing attendance in schools. Community Involvement While it is not crucial to the success of an attendance program, many of our authors agree that solid community involvement can positively impact attendance rates. Many schools work with businesses in the community to offer incentives for students with good or perfect attendance (â€Å"Raising School Attendance,† 2002). John Daugherty (1999), an education professor at Linden-wood College, refers to programs which offer a series of incentives for attendance, ranging from fast-food coupons to entertainment centers which were offered at a discount from local businesses (p. 16). A different form of contribution is noted in Bob Maggi’s (1991) case study of a school in Missouri. A local company contributed $500 to fund their mentoring/ adoption program. Seeing how successful the project was, the company doubled the amount it contributes to the program. Another article suggests that schools work with law enforcement and local businesses. The author states, â€Å"With their support, children who should be in school will be in school† (â€Å"Raising School Attendance,† 2002). Joyce Epstein and Steven Sheldon from The Johns Hopkins University agree, saying, â€Å"Developing productive school-family-community connections has become one of the most commonly embraced policy initiatives in schools and school districts† (2002, p. 308). There are times when the community involvement takes a much more negative but still necessary angle. Often, students will be habitually absent and schools are now working to address that issue. Janet Ford and Richard Sutphen, social work professors at the University of Kentucky, mention that in some states or districts parents of students will face fines or even jail time if they fail to adhere to attendance laws (1996, p. 95). Dougherty suggests other tactics, such as â€Å"implementing police sweeps, involving local agencies and the media and notifying juvenile authorities† (1999). Of course, these tactics are usually implemented in only severe cases of absenteeism. Community involvement and support can be a wonderful addition to attendance policies if tailored to meet the school’s needs and the student’s desires. Teacher/Student Relationships While family and community involvement both play important roles in maintaining good student attendance, our sources all agree that student-teacher relationships are also very important. Several authors encourage one on one meetings, or mentoring students who have attendance problems. In fact, at least one study (Maggi, 1991) is devoted entirely to this practice and with great results, while others (â€Å"Raising school attendance,† 2001 and Vandiver, 2003) simply add it into their attendance programs. Authors agree that to curb poor attendance teachers should lecture students every day about the importance of attending school daily. Kube and Ratigan (1992) insist, â€Å"Teachers must let students know that they are missed when they have been absent. They must ensure that important learning experiences occur each day in their classes† (p. 3), while Dougherty (2003) concurs and adds, â€Å"And they must value and reward good attendance† (p. 76). According to the literature, the teachers are also responsible for coming up with new and creative ways to entice children into coming to school every day. These enticements run the gamut from Vandiver’s (2003) idea of being exempt from having to take the final exams if the student has perfect attendance to Ford and Sutphin’s (1996) strategy of giving tokens to students with good attendance so that they could cash them in on prizes at the end of the week (p. 98). In the end, authors agree that in order to keep attendance under control, educators need not only to regularly come up with new and innovative ideas to keep students coming to school but to consistently tell the students how important it is for them to be present every day. Rewards and Incentives Research has shown that attendance increases when schools incorporate incentive programs into their attendance policies. Bob Maggi (1998), principal at Jarrett High School, began a program which encouraged teachers to adopt a student. Maggi (1998) claimed that â€Å"A $500 grant from Southwestern Bell Foundation was distributed to the adopting teachers to be used to their discretion: for birthday or holiday gifts, for taking student out for dinner or a show, or to buy a sweatshirt or dance ticket† (p. 12). It only took one year for Jarrett High School to receive the results they were searching for. Terrance Smerke (1993, p. 95), principal of Aurora Middle School, along with other schools found it effective to reward the children with positive letters of their accomplishments (Best Practices for School Attendance, 1998). According to Janet Ford, PhD, and Richard Sutphen, PhD, both assistant professors, other types of incentives are posting student’s names in the hallway or reading them over the public address system (1996). One observation mentioned in the article â€Å"Raising School Attendance† (2002), was that Monday and Friday â€Å"are typically the days with the highest absenteeism. Planning special events for these days could improve attendance. † Vandivier (2003), principal of Twin Rivers High School, and John Dougherty (1999), professor of education at Linden-wood College, agree that rewards such as movie tickets, food coupons, and gift certificates will increase attendance. The article How do you improve student attendance, claims that one way to boost attendance is to put all the students’ names with perfect attendance into a drawing (2001, p. 26). Ann Kube, math teacher at North Scott High School, and Gary Radigan, principle at Ankeny High School, agree that incentives encourage students to attend school regularly (1992). As most of the authors stated, incentives have been proven to increase attendance. Punishments/Consequences All of our authors agree that absenteeism has negative consequences for students, schools and society. In the article â€Å"Early Intervention to Improve Attendance In Elementary School for At risk Children,† Janet Ford and Richard V. Sutphen discuss the effects on students. They say that non-attendees generally fall behind their peers in academic achievement and the development of social competence (Ford & Sutphen, 1996, p. 95). Consequences for parents include fines and jail time; consequences for schools are loss of funds, and for society higher rates of unemployment, poverty and lack of preparation to enter the work force (Ford & Sutphen, 1996, p. 95). Dougherty agrees that habits of absenteeism and tardiness affect work performance when youngsters become adults (1999, p. 7). In Dan Vandivier’s article entitled â€Å"Improving Attendance, A Formula that Worked† he discusses an attendance policy at Twin Rivers High School in Brosely, Montana. Policies stated that students that miss more than six days in a semester are not considered to have earned credit, and no distinction is made between excused and unexcused absences (2003, p. 81). As for students and specific punishments our authors disagreed with suspension. Dougherty states, â€Å"that suspending a student is giving them what he wants, a vacation† (1999, p. 9). As most of the authors conclude, there is some form of punishment given to a student that misses excessive days. Conclusion In conclusion, the above research findings all agree that attendance is a very important issue for students. The literature indicated that the following topics are important factors in increasing attendance: effective policies, parental contact, community involvement, teacher/student relationships, rewards and incentives, and punishments/consequences.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Principles of Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Principles of Management - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that  SOS has a global presence imbued within a local presence. One of the greatest successes of SOS villages has been its ability to adapt well to local conditions and customs. The local teams for SOS villages are composed based on four concerns which are mother, brothers and sisters, a house and a village. The contention is that children require a mother as well as brothers and sisters to support them. Children are broken down into manageable groups better known as families and each family is given a house in the SOS village. The mother of the family is usually a nanny or a paid volunteer. Multiple nannies in a village are responsible to the head of the village who is also responsible for overseeing all other local functions.From this paper it is clear that  the head of the village delegates other tasks such as the provision of food, clothing, education and managing finances to other officials reporting directly to them. Most members of the team are paid vol unteers who display a high level of integrity and ethical as well as moral behaviour. Roles and tasks are carried out in a relaxed atmosphere and there is not much difference of protocol between village heads and other team members. Most people in the team are kept together by personal motivation offered by the work as well as by management commitment to promoting work satisfaction.  Conflicts within the team are managed by dialogue alone and often conflicts are far and few in between.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The bloody revenge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The bloody revenge - Essay Example 67). Body The Music Lesson, This is Your Brain on Music Most times music education is introduced to students when they are still very young at home and when they get to primary and secondary schools they are introduced to music through being given opportunities of participating in school choirs, bands and orchestras which increases their urge to learn more concerning music education. Due to the fact that music education is very essential, it is usually included as part of the school curriculum and other musical classes are also observed to be important and very effective in the educational life of a student (Wooten, p. 47). When students reach at the University level they are also introduced to music as part of the humanities and arts programs and those who perform well are even credits for their effort of taking the course of music which they are given as history of music or just any other course that appreciate music and focuses on learning different styles of music and listening t o music. In the university music lessons take very many different forms and these are such as music psychology, ethnomusicology, philosophy of education and music education historiography among other forms. Although music education has been in existence for a very long time, it still continues taking place in the modern world in very many forms including individualized forms and in community forms that entails introducing music styles from different parts of the world such as westernized music and African music which is non-western cultured. Even those people who have basic elements of music still find it important to have a private class with a music teacher who has some musical knowledge higher than theirs. Amateurs in music find it important to take musical classes just to increase the knowledge that they have in music and this means that they want to continue their music lives having reached the intermediate level of music techniques. Music education is one of the courses that h ave been very effective as in the development education because since its existence it has covered all the aspect of education and it has been very effective to both young students and adults in the society. Music & Attitude The main reason behind music lesson is to create a positive attitude towards music in the schools and the society at large through showing people its importance. Generally, many people have a positive attitude towards music at large and this is because it has a tendency of sticking into their memories for a while and this is the reason as to why many people will continue listening to specific types of songs continuously without getting tired or bored with it. People form their attitudes by either becoming fanatics or by becoming extremists and this means that they can either know how to sing or they can just love someone who sings the type of music that they like. The effect that music has on human beings is relative since there are very many genres of music in the society and this means that people chose the kind of music they want to listen and this is only according to their taste (Wooten, p. 111). Music & Motivation One of the most powerful ways that a good composer of soundtracks plays with a person’s or people’s emotions is through introducing a very good piece of music in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

International Business - International Market Case Study

International Business - International Market - Case Study Example It will investigate the current business strategies used by the company to conquer international markets, licensing and franchising, market strategies and ownership factors. Dell Inc. is an American computer hardware company which is based in Texas, U.S. The company manufactures, supports, develops and sells a wide variety of products and services including; PCs, data storage devices, network switches, software, computer peripherals etc. Dell Inc. is one of the biggest companies in the world but it has currently encountered a lot of competition from other players in the industry including IBM and HP. By the end of 2006, the company had an employee capacity of 78,700 throughout its branches all over the world. The company is owned by Michael Dell who, in 1984 while being a university student, founded the company in his dorm room. The company is currently a wholly owned subsidiary of Dell Computer Corporation After deciding to enter oversees market a variety of options were open to the company. These options vary with cost, risk and the degree of control which can be exercised over them in terms of security. Dell Inc. uses the following two methods of international marketing especially in some countries, such as those in Europe where the countries have developed infrastructure, organized import duty regulations etc. But in developing countries where level of economy is low, the company uses the direct method of exporting. Exporting Exporting is the direct sale of domestically produced goods in another country and does not require that the goods be produced in the target country. An example of this kind of marketing is counter trade. Counter trade is the expansion of operations in markets where competition is less but currency based exchange is not possible (Hollensen, 2004). Direct method In this method, DELL Inc. may agree to build a plant in a certain country and either assembles or manufactures their products and then operates as a full entity in the target country. An example of this method of trading is the barter trade. Direct methods have the following disadvantages i. It is difficult to set price and service quality ii. 'Dumping' may occur since it is not covered by GATT iii. Inconsistency in specifications and delivery iv. Quality may not be of international standards becoming so costly to the customer and trader. Indirect method The method of marketing does not require that the company invests in production facilities in the country and therefore, it is cheaper. The only costs that will be incurred are the marketing, transport and government expenses. This kind of marketing require full corporation of the following players; exporter which will be in this sense Dell Inc., importer in the target country, transport agents and the government trade officers. This is the marketing of goods produced in one country into another. In this case, there is no direct manufacturing in the intended country but significant investments in marketing are required. DELL Inc. can therefore manufacture their products in either Europe or Africa and export them directly to these countries. The advantages for this method are; production is home based hence less risky, gives an opportunity to learn markets abroad, potential risks of operating abroad are minimized. The only disadvantage of this method is that the company is at the merc ies of unscrupulous agents who make more profit than the company itself. Suitability of

Friday, July 26, 2019

THe Crucible Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

THe Crucible - Article Example They begin dancing and performing their rituals but are surprised when Reverend Parris comes to them. Reverend Parris is the father of one of the girls, Betty, who is involved in witchcraft. The girls scream and run while Betty and one other girl fall into a mysterious maniac sleep. Soon begins the game, where allegations of witchcraft are being thrown around every which way by a group of girls led by Abigail Williams (Winona Ryder). The twist is that these girls have actually been dealing with the devil themselves. Reverend John Hale, an authority on witchcraft, is called by Reverend Parris to investigate what is going on. Abigails accusations take on a more personal agenda when she points her accusing finger at the wife (Joan Allen) of John Proctor (Daniel Day-Lewis), a farmer with whom Abigail had a torrid affair. John had confessed it to his wife Elizabeth, and their relationship has consequently suffered. Abigail is still in love with John, so she tells the court that Elizabeth Proctor is a witch. Of those accused are Rebecca’s Nurse and Martha Corey. Then the police come to arrest Elizabeth on the grounds of supernaturally sticking a needle in Abigails stomach. Everybody is fooled by the girls, including the judge Thomas Danforth. Proctor tries to counter the girls by producing Mary Warren, his servant, who is willing to admit the girls lied. However, all the girls accuse Mary of witchcraft, and she eventually accuses Proctor to save her skin. By this point, Reverend John Hale realizes the corruption and injustice of the court and endeavors to defend Proctor. However, the girls prevail and Proctor is promptly arrested for witchcraft. Hale who has lost all hopes of justice advices the prisoners to plead guilty to witchcraft, so that they can at least live. Proctor signs a confession, but retracts it when he realizes that judge Danforth intends to nail the confession to the church door. He fears that his name will be ruined along with

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Safe and Productive Neighborhoods and Economic Prosperity Essay

Safe and Productive Neighborhoods and Economic Prosperity - Essay Example From this study it is clear that  the emergence of street gangs in some communities is more prevalent in groups of low income families with less education, while the contrary is true to families with relatively higher income and high education. Therefore, it is reasonable for Putnam to say that each person in the community is not only influenced by their own â€Å"choices and circumstances† but also with â€Å"the choices and circumstances of their neighbors†.  Community is a business where social capital would gain utmost importance in the initial and with the whole process of developing it. Generally speaking, there is no one country whose richness is definite and absolute in the presence of poorer communities and less educated people. As observed, such kinds of communities are clustered in a seemingly patterned way, where well-educated and people of ‘decent’ values group together while those who have high dropout probability in school levels are also living in the same community.This paper highlights that  clustering may also be dependent on the economic status of families. In the case of Tupelo, Mississippi, improvement was largely because of financial status and engagement in development activities such as the pooling of financial resources by farmers and businessmen. In the development of employment and education in Tupelo, it has reached a satisfactory reputation nowadays. Communities which are well-developed does not necessarily mean that they have zero crime rates.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

'Military interventions by Western states, in response to humanitarian Essay

'Military interventions by Western states, in response to humanitarian crisis since the end of the Cold War, have been motivat - Essay Example However, the legality of military interventions where there are humanitarian crisis is always in question. This is so since, there are no legal platforms that allow foreign country’s military forces to occupy or use force in another country without the consent of the invaded country’s government. Thus, this paper will examine how humanitarian interventions have been motivated by moral values rather than legal actions by carefully examining the major humanitarian intervention that western countries have undertaken since the end of the cold war and the ethical and moral theories that are considered when undertaking such interventions. On examining such interventions, it is possible for to determine whether morality is the factor behind humanitarian interventions by western countries. Body (for) Indeed military interventions due to humanitarian crisis have been motivated by moral values and not political or economic interests since there have been various military interven tions around the world where there is no political or economic gain in question. ... This turned into a civil war where the then government ordered the massacre of innocent civilians. The United Nation tried imposing economic sanctions but the atrocities did not end. Were it not for the actions of the United Nation to mandate a military intervention then the violation of human rights by the then Libyan government could not have come to an end. Kosovo is another good example of how military intervention motivated by moral values resulted in positive results. More than 230,000 people had been internally displaced due to the civil war in Kosovo and thousands of innocent civilians had been killed. The western countries could not sit and watch while crimes against humanity were being committed in Kosovo. As a result of their moral obligation in 1998 both the United Nations and NATO agreed and military intervention by western countries took place in Kosovo resulting in the end of the Humanitarian crisis in the country. The situations in the two counties clearly show that m ilitary intervention by western countries is morally right because it resulted in the saving of lives in the respective countries. Body (against) International politics are dominated by western countries that try to impose western ideologies o the other countries raising the question whether moral values or political interests motivate these interventions. This is because, western countries tend to warrant military intervention claiming their moral obligation whereas the truth of the matter is that some military intervention are actually carried out as a result of either economic or political gain. In fact Marxists cite the notion that former United States of America president Nixon comment that the USA offers aid to other countries in order to help themselves to prove that military

LOVE. -- OB Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

LOVE. -- OB - Research Paper Example These techniques even though in many cases prove useful; it fails in majority of the situations. This causes the conflict to rise which in turn leads to negotiations. Some of these negotiations are arbitrated by third parties while others are handled by managers themselves. There are critical aspects of negotiations as well which are discussed in later. Overall, whether conflict is positive or negative for the company depends on the outcome. Sometimes a conflict can have a positive outcome in the short-term but the results can be devastating in the long-run and vice versa. In the 21st century, workforce and workplace etiquettes are both going through rapid changes because of cut-throat competition. Such changes are placing stress not just on the management but also the workforce which is increasing the chances for workplace conflict and deviant behaviors at workplace (De Dreu, 2008). Thus, highlighting the importance for effective conflict management is crucial. Unfortunately, no literature has yet been linked to conflict management and worker issues that may cause conflicts (De Dreu, 2008). For many years now, scholars and academics in organizational behavior and psychology have conducted vast researches on the workplace conflict. While some have conducted studies on the negative side of it, others have examined the positive effects. According to De Dreu (2006), positive functions of conflict are linked with learning, improved quality of decisions, creativity, innovation and overall enhancement in productivity and team effectiveness. On the contrary, De Dreu and Gelfand (2007) has noted the negative functions of conflict such as increased stressed, low job satisfaction and vice versa of positive functions. Many scholars would argue mostly on the positive functions that arise from the conflict issues such as those related to tasks (e.g. designing best strategy) rather than personal issues (e.g. disagreements on

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Plague in Labelle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Plague in Labelle - Essay Example Although we study these types of events, from an historical point of view, nothing of this magnitude has ever happened in Labelle. I would be just as shocked. The initial deaths would be treated with suspicion. Many theories would probably be offered to explain the deaths. Some people might believe the deaths to be the result of terrorism. They might speculate that water and food supplies have been poisoned. Others might come up with conspiracy theories. These types of speculation often attend events which we don't fully comprehend; in the beginning, a plague would be incomprehensible. I would also be indecisive at this point. I would be fearful. Gradually, however, the people in the community will come to the realization that a consistent and pervasive problem is occurring. The deaths would not stop. That would be the most dangerous time. Many people would consider fleeing. They would pack up their bags and leave Labelle. Many, however, would stay. Those that stay will have to deal with the dangerous environment. I would probably leave Labelle. Without more knowledge, it would seem the safest course. I wouldn't want to be the next to die. I believe that government officials would panic. As advanced as we profess to be, government officials rarely react well in crises. ... They would probably try to quarantine people affected by the plague. This would divide families and friends. They would divide Labelle. Most likely, people would then resist these efforts. The local government and the local police would be affected personally as well. I don't believe they would be able to govern effectively. More specifically, I believe that the local government and the local police would collapse. They would be required to request state and federal assistance. In addition, there would be divisions along religious lines. An event this horrific would definitely appeal to deeply held religious beliefs. Many people would believe that God is punishing us for some grave offense. Others would ridicule the religious explanations. This would exacerbate the emotions of people in the community. Rather than helping each other, and trying to remain calm, I believe that people would start blaming each other for the pandemic. The religious citizens, of whatever faith, would blame the sinners for incurring the wrath of God. The non-religious citizens would fight back. Common resources, such as food and shelter, would be divided rather than shared. This would lead to more problems. The fighting would be organized into groups. Looting, theft, and murder, for example, would probably be employed as survival techniques. There would be disorder; perhaps, there would be chaos. People are dying and there is hardly a greater fear than death. People would feel justified, to some degree, in behaving more immorally than under normal circumstances. Old feuds might be settled with guns instead of in courtrooms. Businesses would be stripped bare by people in need or food or stockpiling for the future. Women would

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pyramus and Thisby Essay Example for Free

Pyramus and Thisby Essay In spite of that, Bottom considers his acting to be remarkable, so remarkable that he thinks he can play all the characters of Pyramus and Thisby. I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove; I will roar you an twere any nightingale. Bottom feels that he is fully capable of playing the role of a gentle, charming Thisby, and even that of a monstrously horrifying lion. This characteristic of his is very effective in generating hilarity as he very naively presumes that he alone can handle the production of Pyramus and Thisby. Contrarily, his performance as Pyramus alone is rather alarming. Now die, die, die, die, die. Bottom tries exceedingly hard to convince the audience of Pyramus death. The word die is repeated four times, implying how incessantly Bottom tries to assure the onlookers that he is unquestionably dead. This initiates some final mirth on Bottoms foolishly absurd identity. Bottoms transformation into a donkey is another very amusing part of the play. What makes this idiosyncrasy all the more entertaining is his nescience about it throughout the play. I see their knavery. This to make an ass of me, to fright me, if they could. Bottom never realises the radical change he has undergone and very potently amplifies the hilarity of the comedy since he leads all his actions normally, never comprehending how abnormal he looks. Also very effective in this dialogue of Bottoms is the usage of the word ass as a pun. He is completely unaware that at the precise moment that he is uttering the dialogue, an ass is literally what he looks. His declaration of the other workmen making an ass of him is also humorous since his name Bottom already signifies his existence as an ass. Furthermore, is the levity of Bottoms romance with Titania. Unfamiliar with the fairies, Bottom is far from apprehending why Titania confesses love for him. Methinks mistress, you should have little reason for that. And yet, to say the truth, reason and love keep little company together now-a-days. Bottoms statement is greatly suited to the moment, not only to describe his situation but also that of the four lovers. Like Lysanders immortal line, The course of true love never did run smooth, Bottoms opinion goes well with the obstacles and complications that have developed in the play. Despite that, it does not stop the ridiculousness of his and Titanias liaison from augmenting the humour of the Elizabethan comedy. O how I love thee! How I dote on thee! Titanias love for Bottom is entirely unreasonable. Being the queen of the fairies, she has one of the highest ranks in the play, while Bottom being a workman, has the lowest. The fairies also consider themselves to be of a much higher position than mere human beings. In the face of this, Titania loses both mind and body to an ass-headed and ugly Bottom, a low class workman. This efficiently illuminates the impediments that the love juice can bring about and the thoughtlessness that attaches itself to all that encounter it. The central figure of this Elizabethan comedy is Puck, the mischievous sprite. He conducts all the melodrama of the play; all the confusion, all the mischief, begins with him. What, a play toward! Ill be an auditor, An actor too perhaps, if I see cause. Even before watching any of the drama, Puck has plans to play a part in it. Apart from being Master of Revels to Oberon, Puck forms a schedule of his own; he always satisfies his interests and curiosities. This makes the audience more cognisant of the trickery and complexities going on in the play. Not being related to either the fairies or the lovers, the mechanicals have no reason to be a target of Pucks pranks. Correspondingly, his involvement in the disruption of their rehearsals proves how he has his independent diversions. The roles and traits of Theseus, Hippolyta and Philostrate are rather similar to those of Oberon, Titania and Puck. In theatrical performances of A Midsummer Nights Dream, the actors playing the roles of Theseus, Hippolyta and Philostrate often tend to play the roles of Oberon, Titania and Puck, respectively. In relation to this, Philostrate and Puck have analogous characteristics as Master of Revels. At the beginning of the play, Theseus tells Philostrate to spread celebration and joy of the marriage of Theseus and Hippolyta. Stir up the Athenian youth to merriments, Awake the pert and nimble spirit of mirth, Midsummers Eve was traditionally a time for celebrating with decoration, greenery and a sense of magic. Philostrate obeys the orders of Theseus as Puck obeys Oberon. Puck enters the play as a reflection of Philostrate, spreading magic and havoc with a mischievous side to all his intentions. Notwithstanding, Puck does make a critical mistake amidst his effervescent pranks. The highlight of the play is Pucks misunderstanding of Lysander for Demetrius. Did you not tell me that I should know the man By the Athenian garments he had on? Puck makes an easy error with the love juice. Asked to recognise Demetrius by his attire, he mistakes Lysander for him. This is sure to instigate some tension on the audiences part as they realise that something confusing can happen with the application of the love juice to the wrong person. It also potently marks an Elizabethan comedy because it opens the second phase of the play, where chaos is at its peak. The love juice is the key element of this romantic comedy. Love and friendship turn to hatred in a moment, and vice versa. Injurious Hermia, most ungrateful maid, Have you conspired, have you with these contrived, To bait me with this foul derision? Helena accuses Hermia of deliberately setting up Lysander and Demetrius love for her, to mock her and humiliate her. The love juice has unconditionally distorted the relationships amongst the four lovers. The purpose and positions of love and hatred have interchanged. The circumstances change over in a moment and later, go back to normal in the bat of an eye. This efficiently improves the prospect of a dream. The onlookers will themselves be forced to wonder if all that had happened was real, or just an illusion. Despite the fact that love and companionship instantaneously transfigure into repugnance, all the anger and vexation lacks asperity. Get you gone, you dwarf, You minimus, of hindering knot-grass made, You bead, you acorn. The bitterness amongst the lovers tends to be somewhat mild reflecting that past love has suddenly changed into enmity. The insults, although vociferated under strain and anxiety, do not come across as seriously as they are interpreted amongst the lovers. This helps in enriching the humour. The words dwarf, bead and acorn are tiny, pleasant things that have been used as objects of offence. Construed seriously amidst the characters, these insults are catalysts to laughter from the viewers as they hardly initiate any anger or humiliation. When the plays focus returns to the centre of civilisation in Athens, there is harmony, peace and the order of matrimony for all couples. Marriage itself is one of the chief traits of an Elizabethan comedy. During the Elizabethan era, comedies customarily followed the pattern of order and peace at the beginning, followed by extreme chaos, and ending in harmony with a marriage to mark the return of order. It can hence be concluded that A Midsummer Nights Dream is a thoroughgoing Elizabethan comedy. Yet, throughout the play, the lovers and their love is made fun of. Cupid is a knavish lad, All the love and its intricacies, the anxiety, loss, sorrow, bereavement and broken hearts are the exquisite ingredients of a first-rate tragedy. Nonetheless, A Midsummer Nights Dream is intentionally developed as a romantic comedy, with the disruptive elements to mark its midst. The viewers can efficiently see all the arcane aspects of love and devotion, and at the same time, enjoy the humour of romance. The ending of the play is greatly suited to finish off the confusion and misunderstandings of the past. In the epilogue, the actor playing the role of Puck steps out of character to accost the viewers. That you have but slumbered here No more yielding but a dream, The audience is addressed with an apology for any unsatisfactory or offending presentations. This helps in ending the show on a merry and cordial note. The mention of a dream creates the perfect theme for the epilogue; it relates back to the situations of the four lovers where complexities and discords were passed off as a dream. In my opinion, William Shakespeare has been tremendously successful in portraying this play as Elizabethan comedy. I liked the structure of order at the beginning, followed by despair and disorder and an ending with marriage to restore happiness for all. A Midsummer Nights Dream is by far the best play of William Shakespeare that I have read. I have loved the storyline and the humour as well the legendary characters.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Promotional Mix Used By Two Selected Organisations Marketing Essay

Promotional Mix Used By Two Selected Organisations Marketing Essay Sales promotion tend to be thought of as being all promotions apart from advertising, personal selling, and public relations. For example the BOGOF promotion, or Buy One Get One Free. Others include couponing, money-off promotions, competitions, free accessories (such as free blades with a new razor), introductory offers (such as buy digital TV and get free installation), and so on. Each sales promotion should be carefully costed and compared with the next best alternative. 3. Public Relations (PR). Public Relations is defined as the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics (Institute of Public Relations). It is relatively cheap, but certainly not cheap. Successful strategies tend to be long-term and plan for all eventualities. All airlines exploit PR; just watch what happens when there is a disaster. The pre-planned PR machine clicks in very quickly with a very effective rehearsed plan. 4. Direct Mail. Direct mail is very highly focussed upon targeting consumers based upon a database. As with all marketing, the potential consumer is defined based upon a series of attributes and similarities. Creative agencies work with marketers to design a highly focussed communication in the form of a mailing. The mail is sent out to the potential consumers and responses are carefully monitored. For example, if you are marketing medical text books, you would use a database of doctors surgeries as the basis of your mail shot. 5. Trade Fairs and Exhibitions. Such approaches are very good for making new contacts and renewing old ones. Companies will seldom sell much at such events. The purpose is to increase awareness and to encourage trial. They offer the opportunity for companies to meet with both the trade and the consumer. Expo has recently finish in Germany with the next one planned for Japan in 2005, despite a recent decline in interest in such events. 6. Advertising. Advertising is a paid for communication. It is used to develop attitudes, create awareness, and transmit information in order to gain a response from the target market. There are many advertising media such as newspapers (local, national, free, trade), magazines and journals, television (local, national, terrestrial, satellite) cinema, outdoor advertising (such as posters, bus sides). 7. Sponsorship. Sponsorship is where an organization pays to be associated with a particular event, cause or image. Companies will sponsor sports events such as the Olympics or Formula One. The attributes of the event are then associated with the sponsoring organization. Coke Product The Coca-Cola formula is The Coca-Cola Companys secret recipe for Coca-Cola. As a publicity marketing strategy started by Robert W. Woodruff, the company presents the formula as one of the most closely held trade secrets ever and only a few employees know or have access to. This Coca-Cola formula appears to be the original formula to Coca-Cola. It is from the book For God, Country and Coca-Cola. The company Coca-Cola is a multinational and it is not limited to one product. Through the years they have invented and introduced many products than their main cola drinks. The list of Coca-cola brands are as follows: Appletiser Aquarius BPM Energy Barqs Beat soda Beverly Cannings Cheers Ciel Fanta And up to 70 different brands ! Pepsi Product The Pepsi-Cola drink contains basic ingredients found in most other similar drinks including carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, colourings, phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid and natural flavours. The caffeine free Pepsi-Cola contains the same ingredients but no caffeine. Some of the different and varied brands of Pepsi are as follows: All Sport Aquafina Caffeine-Free Pepsi Crystal Pepsi Diet Pepsi Gatorade Izze Jazz Josta Kas Up to 40 different brands ! Coke vs. Pepsi-Product As seen above both the companies Coke and Pepsi have a number of products. Many of these products are innovations but there are also many products which are brought out just as a competitive product for the other companies. Some of these products that are brought in the market by both the companies to compete against each other are as follows: Coke Pepsi The main dark cola drink of the company which started the rivalry between these companies. Pepsi version of dark cola which is the major primary competitor to Coke. Full Throttle is an energy drink brand produced by The Coca-Cola Company. It debuted in late 2004 in North America. AMP is an energy drink produced and distributed by PepsiCo under the Mountain Dew soft drink brand. Vault is a carbonated beverage that was released by The Coca-Cola Company in June 2005. Mountain Dew MDX is an energy drink manufactured and distributed by PepsiCo under the Mountain Dew brand. It was introduced in 2005. PowerAde is a sports drink by The Coca-Cola Company and currently number two in the sports drink market worldwide. Gatorade is a non-carbonated sports drink marketed by Quaker Oats Company, a division of PepsiCo. Originally made for athletes, it is now often consumed as a snack beverage. Sprite is a clear, lemon-lime flavoured, non-caffeinated soft drink, produced by the Coca-Cola Company. It was introduced to the United States in 1961. 7 Up is a brand of a lemon-lime flavoured soft drink. Minute Maid is a product line of beverages, usually associated with orange juice, but now extends to soft drinks of many kinds. The Minute Maid company is now owned by Coca-Cola, and is the worlds largest marketer of fruit juices and drinks. It is headquartered in Houston, Texas. Tropicana Products is an American company based in Bradenton, Florida, USA, which is one of the worlds largest producers and marketers of orange juice. It has been owned by PepsiCo, Inc. since 1998. Nestea is a brand of iced tea manufactured and distributed by the Nestle companys beverage department in the United States, and by Coca-Cola in several European countries, Brazil and Venezuela. Lipton Original Iced Tea is a ready-to-drink iced tea brand sold by Lipton through a worldwide partnership with Pepsi. Coke Price Coke was a company ruling the markets before Pepsi entered. Earlier the price of coke was cost based i.e. it was decided on the cost which was spent on making the product plus the profit and other expenses. But after the emergence of other companies especially the likes of Pepsi, Coca-cola started with a pricing strategy based on the basis of competition. Nowadays more expenses are spent on advertising my soft-drink companies rather than on manufacturing. Coke has brought in a revolution especially in Indian markets with the Rs. 5 pricing strategy which was very famous. It was the first company to introduce the small bottle of Coke for just Re.5. This campaign was very successful especially with the price conscious Indian consumers. Even today most prices of Coke are decided on the basis of the competition in the market. Pepsi Price Pepsi again decides it price on the basis of competition. The best think about the company Pepsi is that it is very flexible and it can come down with the price very quickly. The company is renowned to bring the price down even up to half if needed. But this risk taking attitude has also earned Pepsi losses. Though lowering the price would attract the customers but it would not help them cover up the cost incurred in production hence causing them losses. This was the situation earlier but now Pepsi is a full-fledged and growing company. It has covered all its losses and is now growing at a rapid rate. Coke Place Coke is a multinational company and it has its market around the entire world. Pepsi Place Pepsi again has spread worldwide. Pepsi when entering a new market does not go in alone but it looks for partners and mergers. Till now Pepsi has collaborated with companies like Quaker Oats, Frito-lays, Lipton, Starbucks, etc. Pepsi like Coke has spread all over the world. It is because of this worldwide spread that now it is coming up with Advertisements which can be broadcasted in the different nations in the world. The recent example with would be the Pepsi advertisements having David Beckham as it brand ambassador. Promotion Both the companies Pepsi and coke are famous for their promotions. The rivalry was first started when Pepsi started with its blind taste tests known as the Pepsi Challenge. The challenge is designed to be a direct response to critics who allege that Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are identical drinks, with no meaningful differences. The challenge takes the form of a taste test. At malls, shopping centers and other public locations, a Pepsi representative sets up a table with two blank cups, one containing Pepsi and one with Coke. Shoppers are encouraged to taste both colas, and then select which drink they prefer. Then the representative reveals the two bottles so the taster can see whether they preferred Coke or Pepsi. If Pepsi is revealed, the shopper is given a small prize. The implication is that Pepsi tastes better than Coke, and thus consumers should purchase Pepsi. In blind taste tests, more consumers prefer the taste of Pepsi to that of Coca-Cola. Because Coke was the historical leader, more people expected that theyd prefer and select Coke. Their surprise at picking Pepsi in the blind taste test (products were served in unmarked cups) helped change their minds about which product they prefer. Capturing this on film, Pepsi turned this into a memorable TV campaign that lasted many years. Also ad-campaigns are put up on the television by both the players. Mainly Pepsi is the company sponsoring most cricket telecasts happening in India and spends most of its revenue in that field. Nowadays both Coke and Pepsi are going in for Brand Ambassadors to promote their product. These brand ambassadors are famous people who usually people idolize and people can relate to them. A list of Celebrities that are brand ambassadors for the cola companies are as follows. These celebrities are not only asked to work in the advertisements but they also have to use the product promoted by them and they should not use the companies rivals pr P3: explain the role of advertising agencies and the media in the development of a successful promotional campaign Introduction In this assignment I must explain the reasons behind the choice of media in a successful promotional campaign. There are a lot of choices    that need to be made before setting up an promotional campaign. And if you want to make it successful, you have to make the right choices. Im going to find out in this assignment what the choices were for the Mercedes-Benz A-Class promotional campaign, and if they were the right choices. Theory Full service agencies          A full-service agency offers their clients a full range of marketing, communications , promotion services including planning, creating and producing the advertising,    they do the research and                select the media. Full-service agencies also offer non-advertising services. For example: strategic    marketing planning, production of sales promotion and sails training Specialty Agencies A specialty agency is one that either works with a particular industry such as medical, education, financial, insurance. They also work with a particular function like the internet, research, public relations etcetera. In-House Agencies Some companies have set up their own advertising agencies.   They do this to reduce costs and maintain greater control. Advantages    * Advertising agencies do all the work for you.    * They have a lot of knowledge and experience.    * The money you will invest will pay of (if the campaign is an success) Disadvantages    * Agencies cost a lot of money.    * If the campaign will fail, you will lose your money.    * You do not have full control. Evidence Product or Service Mercedes A-Class 180. Jung von Matt, a German advertising agency was founded in 1991. Today, the advertising agency offers a complete repertoire of marketing communication services: brand identity, direct marketing, events, film, literature, media, music, online, public relations, planning and, as always, advertising Characters, Theme, Focus of Appeal , Innovation In this commercial they only use the car as a character. The theme of the commercial is very futuristic and full of power. Its because of the dubstep song that makes it that way. In the beginning they only show specific parts of the car and play slow music, and then they show the whole car and play loud music.    This is very emotional because it gives you an adrenaline rush. Thats because of the dubstep music, the speed, the dark environment and the lightning. Its so cool.    The innovation is that its so futuristic. Its the first commercial that uses dubstep music. Increase in sales    Brand awareness    Competitive position    Consumer perception This car is released September 15th, 2012 so its new. But this car is so wanted that in June 2012 they already had 50,000 orders for this car.    Brand AwarenessMercedes-Benz is an well-known brand worldwide, but this gave the brand a more younger image.                The Rivals of the car are the BMW 1 series and the Audi A3. The price of this A-Class is higher than the other cars. But according to several reviews the car is worth its price.                This campaign created an whole new image for Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz was always known as an old brand. But this car and its campaign gave the brand an whole new younger image. Conclusion In this assignment Ive learned that it takes a lot to make choices. You have to do a lot of research and you must be sure that you have made the right choices. If you do not do that there is a chance that your promotional campaign will fail and you will lose your money. P5: explain the reasons behind the choice of media in a successful promotional campaign NIKE Just Do It Nike is the worlds Number 1 marketer of athletic footwear and the Nike swoosh logo to symbolize all Nike wear and became a symbol all known around the world. Nike is the leader in sportswear. Nike has been using the same logo ever since they established the famous swoosh. Not only does Nike have one of the most famous logo but Nike also has one of the most recognized slogans around: Just Do It I think that Nikes power to sell comes from the desire for cultural influences and athletic accomplishment. These desires come together in the hearts of consumers and give an undeniable need they got to have it for apparel. Nikes makes use of top athletes promoting their products appeal to countless ages and acts as a way to identify with and emulate their athletic heroes. These works powerfully upon the individual consumer. Nike promotes its products by sponsoring agreements with athletes, professional teams and college athletic teams. Nike is promoting itself as a brand that sells quality-designed goods. It is because of this extensive advertising and many sponsorship programs that Nikes products are priced higher than its competitors products.   Nikes focus has always been on athletes and has always used premiere athletes to help promote its products. It started off with Steve Prefontaine in the 60s wearing Nike running shoes. In the early eighties, Nike wanted to really grow and become a player in the sport of basketball. At the time, Converse we endorsing two of the NBAs biggest stars, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird. Nike took a chance on a young rookie who eventually became the greatest on earth. Nike created a signature shoe for the Chicago Bulls rookie guard called the Air Jordan. This was the best investment Nikes has and probably ever will make. Because of Michael Jordan being the most popular player in the league, the hype and demand of this shoe was unbelievable. Tinker Hatfield designed the shoe and he spurred the basketball shoe industry to new heights. The introduction of the Air Jordan line helped to create new lines of basketball shoes, including the Air Force and Air Flight lines of basketball shoes and apparel. Also, a new innovative technology was a layer of air cushioning in their shoes; this was truly a differential factor for Nike when placed in comparison with other shoe companies. Nikes Air Jordan shoe was the best selling and most popular basketball shoe on the market. The Air Jordan shoe reached a point in the mid-nineties. According to Donald R. Katz, when a small picture of Michael Jordan at practice wearing different shoes sparked a booming inquiry all over Chicago. One store alone received over 300 phone calls asking if they had the shoes in stock.   From the popularity of the Air Jordan, and innovative styles and colors of Nike, a sub-culture of shoe collectors was born. These people search miles and miles and often camp out for these Limited Edition shoes. Nike, knowing that this market exists, will make very limited release of some special shoes known as quick strike or hyper strike editions to cater to this group. These shoes include retro version of styles, the 360 Hybrids, Paul Rodriguez, Rejuvenations, Clerk packs, and many more. Because theses shoes are released in limited quantities and the demand is so high, Nike can sell these shoes at enormous profits. Nike CEO Phil Knight is not slowing down as he continually signs new colleges on as Nike endorsed schools, current and up in coming star athletes. Nike has reached a point where they can count on the Nike name promoting itself, Nike believes, If you have a body, you are an athlete. And as long as there are athletes, there will be a need for Nike ! P5: design a promotional campaign for a given product/service to meet the needs of a given campaign/creative brief. Aims and Objectives Every business has aims that they want to achieve, they might be overall goals and purposes that the business was set up to fulfil. So here below you see my aims and my objectives : Making a profit †¢ Providing goods or services to the local or wider community †¢ Maximising sales or improving the quality of a product service †¢ Being environmentally friendly Choice of media Spoken, written, or broadcast communication including television, radio, advertising, movies, newspapers, magazines, books, cell phones and the Internet is a mass media that affects our society and ourselves. The most widespread form of this communication media is television and Internet. As we all know advertising costs a lot of money so I will need to advertise on channels that my target group would look on. My target group are people between 18-32 years old mostly females so it would be smart to advertise especially on fashion and music channels such as: MTV and MCM.. For internet advertising I would use and Facebook as two biggest internet advertising agencies in the world . As I already said my target group are people between 18-32 years old and mostly females. So in this case it would be smart to advertise on topics and sites that have something to do with music and fashion . And of course billboards. In my opinion billboards are not the best way to advertise because you see limited variety of information and often its not enough for the customer.. But the reason of my choice is based on next thought : if people see some billboards outside with Ice cream galore on it even with limited but interesting information on it they will get back home and search on the internet for extensive information . And that is exactly what I need. Promotional plan Promotional tools Advertising Print advertising such as that in programs for events, trade journals, magazines, newspapers Direct mail Outdoor advertising, such as billboards and bus boards Broadcast advertising on radio and TV (or Internet sites) Produce and distribute materials such as: brochures newsletters flyers posters Of course I will make sure that my package design will be informative and catchy. (For a service business, the design of my company collateral and, most importantly, the appearance of me and my staff.) Promotional Activities Sponsoring special events (like fun runs) Participation in community projects and boards of directors Trade Shows Your product or service might be one that is suited Trade shows are one- or two- day events that allow businesses to set show cast their products or capabilities. Fairs (like Health Fairs, Job Fairs) Give-aways (like caps and shirts with my logo) Coupons and free samples Conducting contests A campaign is overall plan for contacting and staying in touch with targeted members of the media (reporters). I may want to develop a media relations campaign if it would benefit my company to be mentioned in newspapers or magazine that are viewed by my target group people. Costs Hereunder some advertising costs : Google : à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬500 one-off paying amount for Google Ad-words. The cost for the continuous and intensive optimization of your Google AdWords campaign from à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 69 per week.(It can be more depends on the services and options you want to have.) Facebook Ads Cost Models When advertising on Facebook you can choose between two cost models: CPC: Cost per click CPM: Cost per thousand impressions CPC simply means that you pay when someone clicks on the ad while CPM means that you pay for each 1,000 people who have seen it. Both cost models use a bidding system an auction and the cost depends on what other advertisers are willing to pay for clicks or impressions from the same demographic. Again, in areas where there are a lot of advertisers competing for the same demographic, which is defined by your targeting preferences such as country, gender, age, interests etc., the costs are higher and vice versa. As always when it comes to Facebook advertising, youll see best results by testing both models and choose the one that meet your business objectives. But generally CPC gives a higher click through rate (CTR) whereas CPM generates fewer but cheaper clicks. TV Advertising Price for TV advertising is variable between à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1000 and à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬350.000 for 30 seconds advertising depended of time of broadcasting. Billboards advertising Rates General: Billboard ad costs are set forth below for billboard signage. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Bulletin (Large Billboard): Range of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1,500 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬30,000 per ad per 4 week period à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ 30 Sheet Poster (Medium Billboard): Range of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬750 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬2,000 per ad per 4 week period à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ 8 Sheet Poster / Junior Poster (Small Billboard): Range of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬300 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬750 per ad per 4 week period à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Digital Bulletin (Large Digital): Range of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬3,500 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬25,000 per ad per 4 week period for an ~8 second spot in a loop of ~64 seconds Range of rates depends on timing and market. Materials such as: brochures newsletters flyers posters 1.250 pieces à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 29,00 2.500 pieces à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 33,00 5.000 pieces à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 34,00 10.000 pieces- à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 57,00 20.000 pieces- à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 97,00 50.000 pieces à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 228,00 100.000 pieces à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 434,00 Fairs (like Health Fairs, Job Fairs) Give-aways (like baseball caps and mugs with your logo) Coupons and free samples Conducting contests Baseball caps Pieces 1-5 6-29 30-99 100+ Price à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 6.9 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 6.47 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 5.61 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 4.74 Shirts Pieces 1-5 6-29 30-99 100+ Price à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 8.62 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 6.9 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 4.31 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 3.45 Subtotal estimate price(costs needed to make to reach 1 million people) : Give -aways (baseball caps and shirts) ~ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬45,000 Internet advertising (1 year) ~à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬500 a week à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 24.000 Materials (brochures, flyers and so on ) ~à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬5,500 TV Advertising (1 year long, on Saturday and Sunday 4x a day ) 3000à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 30 sec ~à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬480.000 Total: ~à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬554,500 (a year)

Employee Performance Analysis

Employee Performance Analysis Project Outline: This research is about the Employee performance in an organization. Data related to several factors such as Employee Productivity, Customer Satisfactions Scores, Accuracy Scores, Experience and Age of Employees is taken into consideration. Statistical methods are used to identify if there is any impact of Age and Experience of Employees on factors such as Productivity, Customer Satisfaction and Accuracy. Theoretical Framework: XYZ Corporation operating out of Illinois, US want to find out if the age and experience of employees have an impact on his/her performance. They have hired an external consultant to study the impact of these two factors (age and experience) on the performance metrics of the employees. According to the results of the research conducted by this external consultant, XYZ Corporate will design a strategy of recruiting the right talent which will have maximum performance. Design and Methodology: Design and Methodology used by the external consultant include identifying the various performance factors common across different businesses within XYZ Corporation. The performance measures common for all businesses included: Customer Satisfaction Scores Accuracy Scores Productivity The consultants decided to study the impact of age of employees and their experience on the above factors by using statistical methods. Details on participants and sampling methods: Sampling Methods: Sampling is the process of selecting a small number of elements from a larger defined target group of elements. Population is the total group of elements we want to study. Sample is the subgroup of the population we actually study. Sample would mean a group of ‘n’ employees chosen randomly from organization of population ‘N’. Sampling is done in situations like: We sample when the process involves destructive testing, e.g. taste tests, car crash tests, etc. We sample when there are constraints of time and costs We sample when the populations cannot be easily captured Sampling is NOT done in situations like: We cannot sample when the events and products are unique and cannot be replicable Sampling can be done by using several methods including: Simple random sampling, Stratified random sampling, Systematic sampling and Cluster sampling. These are Probability Sampling Methods. Sampling can also be done using methods such as Convenience sampling, Judgment sampling, Quota sampling and Snowball sampling. These are non-probability methods of sampling. Simple random sampling is a method of sampling in which every unit has equal chance of being selected. Stratified random sampling is a method of sampling in which stratum/groups are created and then units are picked randomly. Systematic sampling is a method of sampling in which every nth unit is selected from the population. Cluster sampling is a method of sampling in which clusters are sampled every tth time. For the non-probability methods, Convenience sampling relies upon convenience and access. Judgment sampling relies upon belief that participants fit characteristics. Quota sampling emphasizes representation of specific characteristics. Snowball sampling relies upon respondent referrals of others with like characteristics. In our research, the consultant organization used a Simple Random Sampling method to conduct the study where they chose about 75 random employees and gathered data of age, experience, their Customer Satisfaction scores, their Accuracy Scores and their Productivity scores. The employees were bifurcated into 3 age groups, namely, 20 – 30 years, 30 – 40 years and 40 – 50 years. Similarly, they were also bifurcated into 3 experience groups, namely, 0 – 10 years, 10 – 20 years and 20 – 30 years. Data Analysis: Below are the different data analysis options used by the consultant: Impact of Age on Accuracy Impact of Experience on Accuracy Impact of Age on Customer Satisfaction Impact of Experience on Customer Satisfaction Impact of Age on Productivity Impact of Experience on Productivity For each of the above statistical analysis, we will need to use Hypothesis testing methods. Hypothesis testing tells us whether there exists statistically significant difference between the data sets for us to consider to represent different distribution. The difference that can be detected using hypothesis testing is: Continuous Data Difference in Average Difference in Variation Discrete Data Difference in Proportion Defective We follow the below steps for Hypothesis testing: Step 1 : Determine appropriate Hypothesis test Step 2 : State the Null Hypothesis Ho and Alternate Hypothesis Ha Step 3 : Calculate Test Statistics / P-value against table value of test statistic Step 4 : Interpret results – Accept or reject Ho The mechanism of Hypothesis testing involves the following: Ho = Null Hypothesis – There is No statistically significant difference between the two groups Ha = Alternate Hypothesis – There is statistically significant difference between the two groups We also have different types of errors that can be caused if we are using hypothesis testing. The errors are as noted below: Type I Error – P (Reject Ho when Ho is true) = ÃŽ ± Type II Error P (Accept Ho when Ho is false) = ÃŽ ² P Value – Statistical Measure which indicates the probability of making an ÃŽ ± error. The value ranges between 0 and 1. We normally work with 5% alpha risk, a p value lower than 0.05 means that we reject the Null hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis. Let’s talk a little about p-value. It is a Statistical Measure which indicates the probability of making an ÃŽ ± error. The value ranges between 0 and 1. We normally work with 5% alpha risk. ÃŽ ± should be specified before the hypothesis test is conducted. If the p-value is > 0.05, then Ho is true and there is no difference in the groups (Accept Ho). If the p-value is < 0.05, then Ho is false and there is a statistically significant difference in the groups (Reject Ho). We will also discuss about the types of hypothesis testing: 1-Sample t-test: It’s used when we have Normal Continuous Y and Discrete X. It is used for comparing a population mean against a given standard. For example: Is the mean Turn Around Time of thread à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ £15 minutes. 2-Sample t-test: It’s used when we have Normal Continuous Y and Discrete X. It is used for comparing means of two different populations. For example: Is the mean performance of morning shift = mean performance of night shift. ANOVA: It’s used when we have Normal Continuous Y and Discrete X. It is used for comparing the means of more than two populations. For example: Is the mean performance of staff A = mean performance of staff B = mean performance of staff C. Homogeneity Of Variance: It’s used when we have Normal Continuous Y and Discrete X. It is used for comparing the variance of two or more than two populations. For example: Is the variation of staff A = variation of staff B = variation of staff C. Mood’s Median Test: It’s used when we have Non-normal Continuous Y and Discrete X. It is used for Comparing the medians of two or more than two populations. For example: Is the median of staff A = median of staff B = median of staff C. Simple Linear Regression: It’s used when we have Continuous Y and Continuous X. It is used to see how output (Y) changes as the input (X) changes. For example: If we need to find out how staff A’s accuracy is related to his number of years spent in the process. Chi-square Test of Independence: It’s used when we have Discrete Y and Discrete X. It is used to see how output counts (Y) from two or more sub-groups (X) differ. For example: If we want to find out whether defects from morning shift are significantly different from defects in the evening shift. Let’s look at each of the analysis for our research: Impact of Age on Accuracy Practical Problem Hypothesis Statistical Tool Used Conclusion Is Accuracy impacted by Age of Employees H0: Accuracy is independent of the Age of Employees H1: Accuracy is impacted by Age of Employees One-Way ANOVA p-value < 0.05 indicates that performance measure of accuracy is impacted by age factor One-way ANOVA: Accuracy versus Age Bucket Source DF SS MS F P Age Bucket 2 0.50616 0.25308 67.62 0.000 Error 72 0.26946 0.00374 Total 74 0.77562 S = 0.06118 R-Sq = 65.26% R-Sq(adj) = 64.29% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev Level N Mean StDev ++++ 20 30 years 26 0.75448 0.06376 (*) 30 40 years 26 0.85078 0.07069 (*) 40 50 years 23 0.95813 0.04416 (*) ++++ 0.770 0.840 0.910 0.980 Pooled StDev = 0.06118 Boxplot of Accuracy by Age Bucket Conclusion: P-value of the above analysis < 0.05 which indicates that we reject the null hypothesis and thus, the performance measure of accuracy is impacted by age of employees. As the age increases, we observe that the accuracy of the employees also increases. Impact of Experience on Accuracy Practical Problem Hypothesis Statistical Tool Used Conclusion Is Accuracy impacted by Experience of Employees H0: Accuracy is independent of the Experience of Employees H1: Accuracy is impacted by Experience of Employees One-Way ANOVA p-value < 0.05 indicates that performance measure of accuracy is impacted by experience factor One-way ANOVA: Accuracy versus Experience Bucket Source DF SS MS F P Experience Bucke 2 0.53371 0.26685 79.42 0.000 Error 72 0.24191 0.00336 Total 74 0.77562 S = 0.05796 R-Sq = 68.81% R-Sq(adj) = 67.94% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev Level N Mean StDev -++++ 0 10 years 24 0.74403 0.05069 (*) 10 20 years 23 0.84357 0.05354 (*) 20 30 years 28 0.94696 0.06660 (*) -++++ 0.770 0.840 0.910 0.980 Pooled StDev = 0.05796 Boxplot of Accuracy by Experience Bucket Conclusion: P-value of the above analysis < 0.05 which indicates that we reject the null hypothesis and thus, the performance measure of accuracy is impacted by experience of employees. As the experience increases, we observe that the accuracy of the employees also increases. Impact of Age on Customer Satisfaction Practical Problem Hypothesis Statistical Tool Used Conclusion Is Customer Satisfaction Score impacted by Age of Employees H0: Customer Satisfaction Score is independent of the Age of Employees H1: Customer Satisfaction Score is impacted by Age of Employees One-Way ANOVA p-value < 0.05 indicates that performance measure of Customer Satisfaction score is impacted by age factor One-way ANOVA: Customer Satisfaction versus Age Bucket Source DF SS MS F P Age Bucket 2 49.51 24.75 18.92 0.000 Error 72 94.23 1.31 Total 74 143.74 S = 1.144 R-Sq = 34.44% R-Sq(adj) = 32.62% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev Level N Mean StDev ++++ 20 30 years 26 6.906 1.164 (-*) 30 40 years 26 8.041 1.156 (*-) 40 50 years 23 8.907 1.107 (*) ++++ 7.20 8.00 8.80 9.60 Pooled StDev = 1.144 Boxplot of Customer Satisfaction by Age Bucket Conclusion: P-value of the above analysis < 0.05 which indicates that we reject the null hypothesis and thus, the performance measure of Customer Satisfaction Score is impacted by age of employees. As the age increases, we observe that the Customer Satisfaction Score of the employees also increases. Impact of Experience on Customer Satisfaction Practical Problem Hypothesis Statistical Tool Used Conclusion Is Customer Satisfaction Score impacted by Experience of Employees H0: Customer Satisfaction Score is independent of the Experience of Employees H1: Customer Satisfaction Score is impacted by Experience of Employees One-Way ANOVA p-value < 0.05 indicates that performance measure of Customer Satisfaction score is impacted by experience factor One-way ANOVA: Customer Satisfaction versus Experience Bucket Source DF SS MS F P Experience Bucke 2 51.20 25.60 19.92 0.000 Error 72 92.54 1.29 Total 74 143.74 S = 1.134 R-Sq = 35.62% R-Sq(adj) = 33.83% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev Level N Mean StDev ++++- 0 10 years 24 7.035 1.277 (*) 10 20 years 23 7.570 0.922 (*) 20 30 years 28 8.948 1.160 (-*-) ++++- 7.20 8.00 8.80 9.60 Pooled StDev = 1.134 Boxplot of Customer Satisfaction by Experience Bucket Conclusion: P-value of the above analysis < 0.05 which indicates that we reject the null hypothesis and thus, the performance measure of Customer Satisfaction Score is impacted by experience of employees. As the experience increases, we observe that the Customer Satisfaction Score of the employees also increases. Impact of Age on Productivity Practical Problem Hypothesis Statistical Tool Used Conclusion Is Productivity impacted by Age of Employees H0: Productivity is independent of the Age of Employees H1: Productivity is impacted by Age of Employees One-Way ANOVA p-value < 0.05 indicates that performance measure of Productivity is impacted by experience factor One-way ANOVA: Productivity versus Age Bucket Source DF SS MS F P Age Bucket 2 0.74389 0.37194 194.56 0.000 Error 72 0.13765 0.00191 Total 74 0.88153 S = 0.04372 R-Sq = 84.39% R-Sq(adj) = 83.95% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev Level N Mean StDev ++++ 20 30 years 26 0.93959 0.04287 (-*) 30 40 years 26 0.81511 0.05831 (-*-) 40 50 years 23 0.69291 0.01747 (*-) ++++ 0.720 0.800 0.880 0.960 Pooled StDev = 0.04372 Boxplot of Productivity by Age Bucket Conclusion: P-value of the above analysis < 0.05 which indicates that we reject the null hypothesis and thus, the performance measure of Productivity is impacted by age of employees. As the age increases, we observe that the Productivity of the employees decreases. Impact of Experience on Productivity Practical Problem Hypothesis Statistical Tool Used Conclusion Is Productivity impacted by Experience of Employees H0: Productivity is independent of the Experience of Employees H1: Productivity is impacted by Experience of Employees One-Way ANOVA p-value < 0.05 indicates that performance measure of Productivity is impacted by experience factor One-way ANOVA: Productivity versus Experience Bucket Source DF SS MS F P Experience Bucke 2 0.74024 0.37012 188.61 0.000 Error 72 0.14129 0.00196 Total 74 0.88153 S = 0.04430 R-Sq = 83.97% R-Sq(adj) = 83.53% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev Level N Mean StDev ++++- 0 10 years 24 0.94474 0.03139 (*) 10 20 years 23 0.83120 0.05754 (*-) 20 30 years 28 0.70599 0.04118 (*-) ++++- 0.700 0.770 0.840 0.910 Pooled StDev = 0.04430 Boxplot of Productivity by Experience Bucket Conclusion: P-value of the above analysis < 0.05 which indicates that we reject the null hypothesis and thus, the performance measure of Productivity is impacted by experience of employees. As the experience increases, we observe that the Productivity of the employees decreases. Conclusion of the Analysis: As Age and Experience increases, the Accuracy and Customer Satisfaction Scores of Employees increases As Age and Experience increases, the Productivity of Employees decreases Bibliography: The data used in this analysis is self-created data using statistical software.      Research Schedule (Gantt Chart) of the Project: